
World of warships naval academy
World of warships naval academy

  • at the end of the second year, midshipmen attend a summer campaign articulated in two different modules with the aim of completing their formation as a sailor.
  • upon completion of the 1st year, midshipmen embark on the Italian Training Ship "Amerigo Vespucci" for a three month training cruise.
  • Professional and seamanship training continue mainly throughout the summer when midshipmen embark on training vessels and warships depending on their year: The Naval Academy has established a rigorous training curriculum that is designed to develop Midshipmen self-discipline and high standards of honour, duty and responsibility. The purpose of the education and professional training of midshipmen is to develop the values of honour and responsibility which are the essential characteristics of all military personnel, and officers in particular. "Leading from the front" and "leading by example" are still the ways a naval officer must always carry himself. Growing and developing a leader is a matter of perfecting a harmonised complex of qualities, behaviour and knowledge, resulting in something much more valuable than the sterile sum of the single parts of which it's made. Developing the proper leadership capabilities through officer lines is one of the biggest challenges of military academies.

    world of warships naval academy

    The primary mission for Naval Academy is: "to select, educate, train and prepare civilians in order to be military and maritime leaders capable to take charge in any situation, to face – and win – the challenges of tomorrow, and to always lead their crews by example and inspiration". The city of Livorno was selected both for its proximity to the prestigious university of Pisa, a choice which has proved to be far-seeing over the 133 years since the Academy's establishment, and also for its central location between the two previous naval schools

    world of warships naval academy

    He wanted to merge the naval schools of Genoa and Naples to create a single training institute for all Italian naval officers.

    world of warships naval academy

    The Italian Naval Academy was established in Livorno on the 6 th of November 1881 by the Minister of the Navy, Benedetto Brin.

    World of warships naval academy